Monday 11 April 2011

Day Eleven: Emergency Improvisation

We'd planned to go to an indoor swimming complex today but the weather was so glorious it seemed a shame to waste it. So, unwilling to lose the swimming theme entirely, I called a local outdoor pool complex to see if they were open, since their website simply says that they're open in the summer months or when the weather's good enough. "Ja, natürlich," said the reassuringly authoritative voice on the end of the phone and so we excitedly relayed this information to today's very sweet baby date and her mama and started to pack our stuff.

This is what we found:

I felt deeply lied to, not to mention mildly embarrassed at having dragged another mama and baby combo across town to a station with no working escalators for no swimming.

So we took a train to somewhere where we might be able to salvage some fun. The toddler insisted on holding on for herself; she refused to be held or supported in any way. This independence thing is a lot of fun.

After a quick stop for refreshments we found a handy park. Someone had left a pile of spades and other fun implements in the sand, my toddler promptly found them and so we set up camp around them. We know the owner's name was Tyron because it was written on a spade. Thanks, Tyron.

After Tyron's mama had come and reclaimed his stuff we broke out the Ikea cups. I'm not sure I know a baby who doesn't own these. They're genius, they do everything. They're pool toys, bath toys, emergency cups, they stack and nest and clatter on cafe floors. If you're ever stuck for a baby gift, you should buy these.

Before we left, she used up the very last dregs of her energy on trying to climb the rope climbing frame. She didn't get very far but she had fun and it was pretty cool to watch. She almost got flattened by a bigger kid but that's how they learn, right?

I was surprised at how much she and I (and, I hope, our baby date and her mama) enjoyed ourselves today considering that I'd planned and packed the bag for a significantly different day. Thank you, mama-and-baby date. We had fun.

1 comment:

  1. Ikea cups, bowls and plates are necessary bits of parenting equipment. Right up there with wipes and nappies.
